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Counselling for Covid 19

Time: 2021-05-15 11:16:51
HCAS, Chennai
Counselling for Covid 19

Counselling for Covid 19

Greetings from the Counselling Cell, at Hindustan College of Arts and Science, Chennai.  

During this second wave of COVID19, People are overwhelmed with distress, uncertainty, stress and anxiety due to the alarming increase in infected cases, followed by a series of lockdown initiatives by various State Governments. Extending psychosocial support in this trying pandemic period, trained and experienced  counselors provide 24/7 free online counselling services. Client anonymity will be secured and shared information will be kept confidential.  
Feel free to contact us at your preferred language:
English and Tamil: 9940144330, 9789060101, 9600044958 
English, Tamil and Hindi: 9789060101, 9600044958

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